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What Are Those White Spots On My Teeth?
What Are Those White Spots On My Teeth?

THERE ARE A LOT of things that can leave stains on our teeth, and stains can come in many different colors. You could see yellow stains, brown stains, or even the temporary stain from eating brightly colored candy, but what about when the stain is white? Where do those white spots come from, and is there anything we can do about…

How Does Swimming Affect Teeth?
How Does Swimming Affect Teeth?

HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED any extra sensitivity in your teeth after a fun afternoon swimming? You aren’t imagining things, though it usually takes more than just one trip to the local pool before there are any effects. But what does swimming have to do with tooth sensitivity? The Effects Of Chlorine On Tooth Enamel When you hear the phrase “swimmer’s calculus,”…

Dental Scaling And Root Planing: The Basics
Dental Scaling And Root Planing: The Basics

ROUTINE PROFESSIONAL DENTAL cleanings by your dental hygienist include scaling, or the careful removal of plaque and tartar from around the gumline. Tartar in particular can only be removed at a professional cleaning, as brushing and flossing alone can’t do the trick. However, if you have symptoms of gum disease, your teeth may need an even more advanced cleaning called dental…

Too Few Or Too Many Adult Teeth?
Too Few Or Too Many Adult Teeth?

DEPENDING ON HOW MANY wisdom teeth come in and whether or not they have to be removed, most adults have 28-32 adult teeth. There are a few outliers in either direction, however. Some people have fewer teeth than they should (called hypodontia or congenitally missing teeth), while others have one or more extra (called hyperdontia or supernumerary teeth). How does this…

Repeat After Us: Teeth Are Not Tools
Repeat After Us: Teeth Are Not Tools

OUR TEETH ARE pretty amazing, and there’s a lot they can do. They chew our food, they provide structural support for the lower third of our faces, they help us speak clearly, and they give us our beautiful smiles. However, many people also find other uses for their teeth, which can be very dangerous. Teeth are not tools, and shouldn’t be…

Don’t Take A Vacation From Oral Hygiene!
Don’t Take A Vacation From Oral Hygiene!

WITH THE ARRIVAL OF SUMMER comes the season of family vacations and exciting trips to new places. We’re as excited for it as our patients, but before everyone leaves to explore parts unknown, we want to give you a few tips and reminders about taking care of your teeth while you’re away from home. Before You Go, See The Dentist The…

The Dangers Of Chronic Teeth Grinding
The Dangers Of Chronic Teeth Grinding

GRINDING OUR TEETH briefly when we’re nervous or frustrated is pretty normal. When the grinding doesn’t stop, however, it can do a lot of damage, whether it happens during the day or while we’re asleep. This kind of chronic grinding is called bruxism. What Causes Teeth Grinding? While daytime bruxism can be the result of stress and sleep bruxism is often associated with…

Plaque, Tartar, And Your Teeth
Plaque, Tartar, And Your Teeth

PLAQUE AND TARTAR are two words that you probably hear a lot when you come in for a dental cleaning. You might already know that they cause tooth decay and gum disease, but do you know what they are? Let’s take a closer look at these two substances that are a constant threat to our oral health. Stage 1: Plaque Dental…

Taking Care Of Your Pet’s Teeth
Taking Care Of Your Pet’s Teeth

IT’S EASY TO ASSUME that our pets don’t need dental care like we do. After all, wild animals can’t exactly brush their teeth, and that doesn’t seem to be a problem for them. However, it turns out that our pets’ teeth have a very different situation than the teeth of wild animals, and they do need our help to stay healthy.…

What Our Clients Say

“I had absolutely no idea what to expect when I broke my front tooth. I figured I would get a post and crown but found out it was broken too high above the gum line so I needed an implant. Dr. Hosters cleaned everything out and installed the implant in about 50 minutes. Completely pain free as were all the follow ups with Agnes who is awesome. That was 3 months ago. Today was the X-ray to see if the bone healed around the implant and it was perfect. Next I go to my dentist to get the permanent crown. Dr. Hosters did a great job and I would absolutely recommend him!”


“My experience with Dr. Hosters, his assistants and staff was positive. I had a surgery at this office. I am generally a rather sensitive dental patient, but went through the procedure and recovery without any issues. Dr. Hosters and his assistants were professional and caring.”

Gordana C


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5212 North Le Claire Avenue
Chicago IL 60630

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