Oral Systemic Health

Men’s Oral Health Tips
Men’s Oral Health Tips

MAINTAINING GOOD ORAL HEALTH is crucial for everyone, but that can mean different things for men than for women. That’s why we’ve put together a list of concerns men should particularly watch out for, as well as some tips for keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy! Brush That Charming Smile! Many women say a man’s most attractive feature is…

Alternative Ways To Get Calcium In Your Diet
Alternative Ways To Get Calcium In Your Diet

CALCIUM AND MILK go together like fluoride and toothpaste. Without the former, it can be hard to find the latter. And, like fluoride, calcium is essential to our oral health. How Calcium Benefits Your Oral Health We all know that calcium is the main component of our teeth and jaw bones, but our mouths are also made up of gum tissue,…

Smoking And Children’s Oral Health
Smoking And Children’s Oral Health

AS PARENTS, IT IS CRITICAL to make sure our children and teenagers aren’t picking up a habit as harmful as smoking. The disease we usually think of when we hear “health risks of smoking” is lung cancer, but the damage smoking can cause isn’t limited to the lungs. A smoking habit can do a lot of harm to a child’s oral…

How Diabetes Affects Oral Health
How Diabetes Affects Oral Health

THE AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION estimates that 23.1 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes (whether it be type 1, type 2, or gestational). At least another 7 million remain undiagnosed, and that doesn’t include the additional millions who are considered pre-diabetic. But what does diabetes have to do with oral health? Unfortunately, quite a lot. Diabetes And Gum Disease Diabetes is a chronic…

4 Ways Smiling Improves Our Health!
4 Ways Smiling Improves Our Health!

WE’VE ALL HEARD the old cliché that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, so you should smile to conserve energy! That’s actually false. It takes a minimum of ten muscles to smile but only a minimum of six to frown, so the expression should really be “smile to burn calories!” But smiling will do much more for your health…

Oral Health & Weight Loss Go Hand In Hand
Oral Health & Weight Loss Go Hand In Hand

A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE is the best prevention for illness and chronic disease. It can also be just as effective as any medicine a doctor could prescribe. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, or simply live more healthily, the good choices you’re making not only do wonders for your body and overall health, but they also have a beneficial impact on your…

Get Screened For Oral Cancer
Get Screened For Oral Cancer

WHEN PEOPLE GO TO THE DENTIST, it’s generally because they have a toothache, they need some dental work done, or they want to get their teeth cleaned. But this month being Oral Cancer Awareness Month, we want to emphasize more than ever how important regular, twice-yearly dental exams are. Of course your dentist will make sure you don’t have any cavities,…

Seasonal Allergies? Take Care Of Your Smile
Seasonal Allergies? Take Care Of Your Smile

SPRING IS ON THE HORIZON and we couldn’t be more excited! Chirping birds, blooming flowers, and warmer weather are just a few of the things we look forward to when spring comes around. We have to admit though, there is one thing about the season that’s not particularly appealing, and that’s allergies. Be Aware Of These Dental Side Effects During Allergy Season…

How Pregnancy Affects Your Oral Health
How Pregnancy Affects Your Oral Health

PREGNANCY AFFECTS NEARLY every aspect of your life–your lifestyle, your diet, your health, and much more! Your mouth is no exception to the changes your body may experience during pregnancy. During this special time, you’ll need to pay particular attention to your oral health for both your sake and your growing baby’s. You May Be More Prone To Dental Problems One…

How Eating Disorders Can Affect Oral Health
How Eating Disorders Can Affect Oral Health

DO YOU OR DOES SOMEONE you love have an eating disorder? This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. To help spread awareness about eating disorders and their effect on oral and overall health, share this post with your friends and family who may benefit from it. Be Aware Of The Dental Complications We all know that eating disorders can result…

What Our Clients Say

“You would recommend this clinic for sure! All staff is very professional, nice and helpful. If you have fears, they will help you to feel comfortable through the whole process.”

Oksana T

“Dr. Hosters put me at ease with his expertise and fantastic attitude. The office visits for check ups and procedures were quick and efficient without being rushed. If I or someone I know ever needs implant services I will be the first to recommend him and his staff.”

Mark G


Norwood Park Periodontics | 5212 North Le Claire Avenue, Chicago IL 60630 | 773-774-4888 | ©2024, All Rights Reserved | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy


Norwood Park Periodontics
5212 North Le Claire Avenue
Chicago IL 60630

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